CS256 – Computer Science I – Winter 2018


Instructor Information


Pete Nordquist






CS building upstairs – above IT offices

Office Hours:

See instructor schedule




The web site contains: syllabus, lab assignments, class notes, demos, and other useful information. The gradebook and exams for this class will be on moodle.



The first text in the list is the required text for this course.  In the course schedule, I have included readings from the required text as well as Lewis & Loftus.  All of the non-free supplemental text books are available for cheap on Amazon (http://www.amazon.com).  The schedule contains readings for both Eck and Lewis/Loftus.


Introduction to Programming Using Java, Fifth Edition
Version 5.0
David J. Eck  (eck@hws.edu)

This text is free from http://math.hws.edu/javanotes/

Java Software Solutions: (Java 5.0 version): Foundations of Program Design (4th Edition)

by Lewis and Loftus.

Copyright 2005 by Pearson / Addison Wesley

ISBN 0-321-32203-7  (paperback)

Java Demystified

by Jim Keogh.

Copyright 2004 by McGraw-Hill/Osborne

ISBN 0-07-225454-8  (paperback)

(in SOU bookstore)

Understanding Programming: An Introduction Using Java

by Scott Cannon.

Copyright 2003 by Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc.

ISBN 0-534-38933-3  (paperback)

Beginning Programming with Java for Dummies
by Barry Burd

Copyright 2005 by Wiley Publishing, Inc.
ISBN 0-7645-8874-5


Course Objectives

This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of computer programming including structured programming techniques: decision statements, loops, arrays; object-oriented programming techniques: designing classes, calling methods, using objects; and the use of memory. We will use the JGrasp programming environment, which facilitates program development in Java.


Tentative Course Schedule - http:/webpages.sou.edu/~nordquip/cs256/schedule.htm


Course Grading

There will be four exams during the term and a comprehensive final.  Make-up exams will not be given unless arrangements are made in advance, or you had a bona fide emergency on the day of the exam.  Your in-class exam scores are worth 45% of your total grade.  There are two options for the final:

1.    Keep all of your regular class exam scores and do not take the final.  Under this option, your in-class exam scores count for 65% of your grade instead of 45%.

2.    Have your lowest regular class exam score thrown out.  Under this option, your three highest in-class exam scores count for 45% of your grade, and your final score counts for 20% of your grade.


There is no risk in taking the final.  If you take the final, the score you receive is calculated using whichever option gives you the best overall score.


There will be one lab assignment given at the beginning of each week.  Lab assignments are due by the date specified on moodle, and will incur a 1 point per day late fee up until two weeks late after which they will not be accepted.  Lab scores are worth 35% of your total grade. 


You may talk to each other about labs, but looking at or turning in code someone else has written is considered a violation of the code of conduct shown below.


From Al Davis at University of Utah: http://www.cs.utah.edu/classes/cs4400-ald/

More specifically cheating is: sharing code or other electronic files either by copying, retyping, looking at, or supplying a copy of a file.  Cheating is not: discussing concepts, answering questions about concepts or clarifying ambiguities, helping somebody understand how to use the computer system or basic tools (compiler, debugger, etc.) or helping with high level design issues or debugging.


Your labs will be graded by running and testing the code you submit.  Labs that do not compile will receive 0%.  Labs that do not run will receive <= 60%.  In general, lab scores will fall on 5 point boundaries, e.g.,

100 - your lab met all of the requirements.

95 - your lab failed the test for a minor requirement.

90 - your lab failed the test for a major requirement

80 - your lab failed the test for two major requirements

70 - your lab ran, but just barely

<=60 – your lab did not run

0 – your lab didn’t compile.


If you submit your lab after the due date, it will receive a 1% per day late fee.  I.e., your lab will be graded according to the schedule given above then 1 point per day late will be subtracted from your earned total.  Labs later that two weeks will not be accepted.


Grade Breakdown:

92-100% A

90-91.99% A-

 88-89.99%   B+

82-87.99%   B

80-81.99% B-

 78-79.99%   C+

72-77.99%   C

70-71.99% C-

 68-69.99%   D+

62-67.99%   D

60-61.99% D-

 Under 60 F



I expect that you read your student email or check the moodle site every business day.  I send all kinds of class announcements on the moodle forum or by email and expect that you get these announcements.  I sometimes forget to make these announcements in class, so moodle or email is the only way you have to get this information.  (See http://www.sou.edu/anywhere.html for help with your student email account.)

If you find you are having trouble with a lab, have a bona fide emergency the day of an exam, or anything else happens that you think might affect your grade, send me email explaining the problem as soon as you can (the earlier I receive the email, the more likely I am to be lenient).  Email gives us a starting point for discussing a solution and an official timestamp that indicates when you first took action to solve the problem.


If you find you are not making progress with a lab, go see one of the tutors.  They are upper division computer science students and are paid by the CS department to tutor students taking programming I and II.  If a tutor is not available or is unable to help you effectively, come see me.  Do not delay or hope the problem will go away – it won’t.


From the Provost:


SOU Cares


SOU has a wide range of resources to help you succeed. Our faculty, staff, and administration are dedicated to providing you with the best possible support. The SOU Cares Report allows us to connect you with staff members who can assist with concerns, including financial, health, mental health, wellbeing, legal concerns, family concerns, harassment, assault, study skills, time management, etc. You are also welcome to use the SOU Cares Report to share concerns about yourself, a friend, or a classmate at http://www.sou.edu/ssi. These concerns can include reports related to academic integrity, harassment, bias, or assault. Reports related to sexual misconduct or sexual assault can be made anonymously or confidentially. Student Support and Intervention provides recourse for students through the Student Code of Conduct, Title IX, Affirmative Action, and other applicable policies, regulations, and laws. 


Academic Honesty Statement and Code of Student Conduct


Students are expected to maintain academic integrity and honesty in completion of all work for this class. According to SOU’s Student Code of Conduct: “Acts of academic misconduct involve the use or attempted use of any method that enables a student to misrepresent the quality or integrity of his or her academic work and are prohibited”.

Such acts include, but are not limited to: copying from the work of another, and/or allowing another student to copy from one’s own work; unauthorized use of materials during exams; intentional or unintentional failure to acknowledge the ideas or words of another that have been taken from any published or unpublished source; placing one’s name on papers, reports, or other documents that are the work of another individual; submission of work resulting from inappropriate collaboration or assistance; submission of the same paper or project for separate courses without prior authorization by faculty members; and/or knowingly aiding in or inciting the academic dishonesty of another.

Any incident of academic dishonesty will be subject to disciplinary action(s) as outlined in SOU’s Code of Student Conduct: http://arcweb.sos.state.or.us/pages/rules/oars_500/oar_573/573_076.html

In case of loss, theft, destruction or dispute over authorship, always retain a copy of any work you produce and submit for grades.  Retain all written work that has been graded and handed back to you.


Statement on Title IX and Mandatory Reporting


Federal law requires that employees of institutions of higher learning (faculty, staff and administrators) report to a Title IX officer any time they become aware that a student is a victim or perpetrator of gender-based bias, sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence,or stalking. Further, Oregon law requires a mandatory report to law enforcement of any physical or emotional abuse of a child or other protected person, including elders and people with disabilities, or when a child or other protected person is perceived to be in danger of physical or emotional abuse. If you are the victim of sexual or physical abuse and wish to make a confidential disclosure please use the confidential advising available at http://www.sou.edu/ssi/confidential-advisors.html, or use Southern Oregon University's Anonymous Harassment, Violence, and Interpersonal Misconduct Reporting Form https://jfe.qualtrics.com/form/SV_7R7CCBciGNL473L


SOU Academic Support/Disability Resources:


To support students with disabilities in acquiring accessible books and materials, and in planning their study and time management strategies, SOU requires all professors to include a statement on Academic Support and Disability Resources on course syllabi. It is the policy of Southern Oregon University that no otherwise qualified person shall, solely by reason of disability, be denied access to, participation in, or benefits of any service, program, or activity operated by the University. Qualified persons shall receive reasonable accommodation/modification needed to ensure equal access to employment, educational opportunities, programs, and activities in the most appropriate, integrated setting, except when such accommodation creates undue hardship on the part of the provider. These policies are in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1974, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and other applicable federal and state regulations that prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability.


If you are in need of support because of a documented disability (whether it be learning, mobility, psychiatric, health-related, or sensory) you may be eligible for academic or other accommodations through Disability Resources. Call Academic Support Programs at (541) 552-6213 to schedule an appointment with Disability Resources.  The Academic Support Programs office is located in the Stevenson Union, lower level. See the Disability Resources webpage at www.sou.edu/dr for more information. If you are already working with Disability Resources, make sure to request your accommodations through them for this course as quickly as possible to ensure that you have the best possible access.