Oracle Essentials

Courtesy of Rahul Tikekar

1.       Find location of and something about compiler errors:

show errors;

2.       Datatypes:

  1. char (n)
  2. varchar2(n)
  3. date: format DD-MMM-YYYY (e.g., '12-Jan-1995')
  4. number
  5. number(n,m): e.g., number(6,2): total 6 digits, 2 decimal places

3.       Creating/deleting/updating tables

  1. create table e.g., Emp (EID, EName, EDOB, EDept)

create table Emp

(EID number not null,

EName varchar2(20),

EDOB date,

EDept varchar2(10));

  1. drop table Emp: will drop the table
  2. deleting rows

delete Emp where EID=1;

  1. truncate table Emp: will delete all rows
  2. inserting values into tables

insert into Emp values (1, 'Dave Letterman', ’12-Apr-1949’, 'Late Night');

  1. updating table values

update Emp set EDOB=’12-Apr-1942’ where EID=1;

4.       Adding/dropping/enabling/disabling constraints: use alter table

  1. primary key

alter table Emp add constraint Emp_PK primary key (EID);

  1. foreign key

alter table Emp add constraint Emp_FK1

foreign key (EDept) references Dept (DeptName) [on delete cascade];

  1. check

alter table Emp add constraint Emp_Check1 check (Eage > 15 AND EAge < 85);

  1. alter table Emp enable/disable constraint Emp_Check1;
  2. alter table Emp drop constraint Emp_Check1;

5.       Sequences

  1. Create sequence EmpSeq

Increment by 1

Start with 101


  1. Insert into Emp values (EmpSeq.nextval, 'Dave Letterman', 49, 'Late Night');

6.       Changing column titles

Select EID "Employee ID" from Emp;

7.       Wildcards: % and _

Select EAge from Emp where EName like ‘%L_’;

8.       Objects: Define type, then define methods

Create type Emp as object ( …)

9.       Looking to see what tables you have created and the constraints on them

Select table_name from user_tables;

Select constraint_name, table_name, constraint_type, status from user_constraints;

10.   Listing the specification for a table

Describe Emp;