CS360 – Databases – Spring, 2019

Instructor Information


Pete Nordquist





Office Hours:

See ../NordquistSchedule.pdf


The web site contains lab assignments, class notes, demos, and other useful information. The gradebook and exams for this class will be on moodle.


Course Text

Database Concepts, Fifth Edition
Author:  David M. Kroenke & David J. Auer

Prentice Hall, 2011.

ISBN: 978-0-13-801880-1 


Course Objectives

Introduces the concepts necessary for designing and implementing database systems. Emphasizes data modeling, normalization, and SQL, using MySQL.


Tentative Course Scheduleschedule.htm


Course Grading
There will be three exams during the term and a comprehensive final.  Make-up exams will not be given unless arrangements are made in advance, or you had a bona fide emergency on the day of the exam.  Your exam scores are worth 40% of your total grade.  There are two options for the final:

1.    Have your lowest regular class exam score thrown out, i.e., your lowest exam score does not count.  Under this option, you must take the final and it is worth 25% of your grade.

2.    Keep all of your regular class exam scores and do not take the final.  Under this option, your regular exam scores are worth 65% of your grade.


There will be one lab assignment given at the beginning of each week.  Lab assignments are due by 11:59PM on the date specified on the assignment page.  Lab scores are worth 35% of your total grade. 

You may help each other on labs, but turning in code someone else has written is considered a violation of the code of conduct shown below.

From Al Davis at University of Utah: http://www.cs.utah.edu/classes/cs4400-ald/

More specifically cheating is: sharing code or other electronic files either by copying, retyping, looking at, or supplying a copy of a file.  Cheating is not: discussing concepts, answering questions about concepts or clarifying ambiguities, helping somebody understand how to use the computer system or basic tools (compiler, debugger, etc.) or helping with high level design issues or debugging.


Your labs will be graded by running and testing the code you submit.  Labs that do not compile will receive 0%.  Labs that do not run will receive <= 60%.  In general, lab scores will fall on 5 point boundaries, e.g.,
100 - your lab met all of the requirements.
95 - your lab failed the test for a minor requirement.
90 - your lab failed the test for a major requirement
80 - your lab failed the test for two major requirements
70 - your lab ran, but just barely
<=60 – your lab did not run
0 - you didn’t turn in a lab.

If you submit your lab after the due date, it will receive a 1% per day late fee.  I.e., your lab will be graded according to the schedule given above then 1 point per day late will be subtracted from your earned total.   

Grade Breakdown:

93-100% A

90-92.99% A-

 88-89.99%   B+

82-87.99%   B

80-81.99% B-

 78-79.99%   C+

72-77.99%   C

70-71.99% C-

 68-69.99%   D+

62-67.99%   D

60-61.99% D-

 Under 60 F




I expect that you read your student email every business day.  I send all kinds of class announcements by email and expect that you get these announcements.  I sometimes forget to make these announcements in class, so email is the only way you have to get this information.

If you find you are having trouble with a lab, get sick the day of an exam, or anything else that you think might affect your grade, send me email explaining the problem as soon as you can (the earlier I receive the email, the more likely I am to be lenient).  Email gives us a starting point for discussing a solution and an official timestamp that indicates when you first took action to solve the problem.


If you find you are not making progress with a lab, go see one of the tutors upstairs in the main lab.  They are upper division computer science students and are there to help students taking programming I and II.  If a tutor is not available or is unable to help you, come see me, and if I am not there, email me with a description of the problem and your source code as soon as possible.  Do not delay or hope the problem will go away – it won’t.



Liberal education involves more than the mind. It also involves developing students’ personal qualities, including a strong sense of responsibility to self and others. Liberally educated students are curious about new intellectual questions, open to alternative ways of viewing a situation or problem, disciplined to follow intellectual methods to conclusions, capable of accepting criticism from others, tolerant of ambiguity, and respectful of others with different views. They understand and accept the imperative of academic honesty. Personal development is a very real part of intellectual development.

(From Academic Freedom and Educational Responsibility, Association of American Colleges and Universities Board of Directors Statement, December 21, 2005.  http://www.aacu.org/About/statements/academic_freedom.cfm)


Syllabus statements from the provost’s office.