More Foldable Images of the ISEA3H Discrete Global Grid

This page contains images of ETOPO5 5' elevation data binned into various resolutions of the ISEA3H grid. The values of all ETOPO5 data points located in each ISEA3H grid hex were averaged to obtain a value for that hex.

Clicking on any image displays a higher resolution GIF of that image. Next to each image is a link to allow you to download a high resolution color vector postscript version of the image for printing.

ETOPO5 5' elevation data binned into ISEA3H grid resolution 5.

Click here to download a compressed postcript version of this image.
ETOPO5 5' elevation data binned into ISEA3H grid resolution 6.

Click here to download a compressed postcript version of this image.
ETOPO5 5' elevation data binned into ISEA3H grid resolution 7.

Click here to download a compressed postcript version of this image.

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