Welcome! My name is Dr. Maggie Vanderberg. I am an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Southern Oregon University. I recently moved here from Flagstaff, Arizona where I was working in the School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems at Northern Arizona University. I earned my PhD degree from the Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at West Virginia University in 2010. My research, supported by NASA, focused on empirical software quality assurance, software safety, and software reliability. I worked closely with NASA engineers at the NASA Independent, Verification and Validation facility in Fairmont, WV. After several years of working with NASA in support of my research, I transitioned into a position with KeyLogic Systems developing Software Assurance and Quality Engineering Courses for the NASA Software and Mission Assurance Technical Excellence Program (STEP). I've also supported multiple projects for the Department of Energy's National Engergy and Technology Laboratory, while working at KeyLogic.
Through my experiences in both academia and industry, I've seen first hand, how few females and other under-represented minorities are working in the field of computer science. And, thus, my recent research efforts are focused on increasing diversity in computer science and other engineering fields. If this is something you are passionate about, please contact me.
When I'm not working, I'm usually playing outside. I love climbing, trail running, riding bikes and even playing in the snow...