of Computer Science
210 Web Development I
CRN 1789 Fall Quarter 2011
Prerequisite: cs115 or equivalent
Instructor: Dan Harvey
Room: Computer Science Building #CS218
Phone: 552-6149
Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday - 12:30 pm -1:30 pm
Tuesday, Thursday - 10:00 am -12:00 midday
Web Site
web site is available for quiz results, lab assignments, weekly handouts,
tutorials, on-line lecture, current grade status, and contact with class
members. Click on the cs210 and then select the desired option.
Class Times: Tuesday, Thursday 1:30-2:20
CS206, 2:30-3:20 PCE
Final Exam: Tuesday December 6, 1:00 – 3:00
Course Text
and JavaScript, Larry Randles Lagerstrom,
McGraw Hill-Irwin
This course provides an introduction
to client side web development. Students learn how to create web pages using
XHTML. The web pages will include frames, forms, cascading style sheets, and
sound. Students also will gain exposure to a popular scripting language that
will enable them to add additional functionality to their web pages. For
example, students will be able to create rollover images, process GUI forms at
the client side, create browser windows, add animation and dynamically alter
content in their pages. Script language concepts will include variables, loops,
conditions, and arrays.
This class now also counts
towards satisfying the university’s general studies science requirement. As
such we will discuss the scientific mode of learning and apply critical
thinking to distinguish between science and pseudo-science. We will also
discuss the impacts of technologies like the Internet on society.
Prerequisites: basic computer literacy.
This is a class that is offered in both hybrid and
traditional hybrid form. If you enroll in the hybrid version, do not assume
that it is easier, even though it meets only once per week. The advantage is it
accommodates the busy schedule of working adults. However, to succeed in this
mode of delivery, you will need to be able to work and learn on your own to a
large degree. The hybrid class will also have an online discussion group
component. Students will need to participate in this forum as part of their
grade. The class web-site has a handbook that discusses expectations for hybrid
mode classes.
For both hybrid and traditional classes, all class
information is posted on-line at our class web-site ( Many of the
requirements will be communicated by e-mail. Make sure to visit the class
web-site and check your student e-mail account often.
Week 1 Introduction, basic
XHTML tags
Week 2 Cascading style
Week 3 Hyperlinks, Images,
sound, and movies
Week 4 lists, tables, and
5 JavaScript
6 Document
Object Model and Forms
7 JavaScript
functions, variables, expressions, types
Week 8 Arrays, rollovers,
slide shows, popups, conditions, time & day
Week 9 Loops, animation, dynamic HTML
Week 10 JavaScript
cookies, objects, and review
Course Grading
There will be
weekly lab assignments. The assignment due dates will be announced in class and
confirmed by email. There is a 10% reduction for late labs that are turned in
within one week of the due date. There is a 30% reduction for late labs that
are turned in within two weeks of the due date. Labs more than 2 weeks late
will not be accepted. The lab average is worth 30% of your total grade.
There will be three
quizzes. The lowest quiz score is dropped. Make-up quizzes will not be given
unless arrangements are made in advance. The quiz average is worth 30% of you
total grade.
A comprehensive
final will be given that is based upon the topics covered in the quizzes. The
final is worth 30% of the total grade.
For the hybrid
on-line class, students must participate in the on-going discussion group and
accumulate 50 participation points during the quarter. For the traditional
class, you will be assigned several short research projects where you will
prepare a three page paper. This satisfies the science exploration general
studies requirement. This component is worth 10% of the total grade.
Breakdown: 93-100% A 90-92%
88-89% B+
82-87 B 80-81% B-
78-79% C+
72-77 C 70-71% C-
68-69% D+
62-67 D 60-61% D-
Under 60 F
If you are in need of academic
support because of a documented disability (whether it be learning, mobility,
psychiatric, health-related, or sensory) you may be eligible for academic or
other accommodations through Disability Services for Students. Contact
Disability Services for Students; Director DSS 552-6213, or schedule an
appointment in person at the